Our company starts at the beginning of the Twentieth Century when the founder Giuseppe Bertani used to produce milk form just 20 alpine animals together with the one that some tens of other farmers provided to Villa Aiola cooperative lattery and then transformed into cheese with the typical shape of Parmigiano Reggiano.
Thanks to this process we are able to carefully supervise all the production phases: Villa Aiola is one of the few Parmigiano Reggiano producers that completely handles the whole cheese production chain indeed, as certified by the specific CERMET UNI-EN ISO 22005:2008 validation
The company has grown over the years, changing hands to children and grandchildren.
From 2005 cheese production has been doing in the new cheese factory of the company, so that we are able to convert our milk straight into the wonderful product that since centuries is typical of this production area.
We have built brand new barns and haylofts with passion and dedication and we are continuously evolving to optimize our facilities.
Our philosophy is producing a healthy and genuine cheese, following the old traditions.
In order to reach this goal, we directly cultivate forage fields, take care of our animals’ nutrition always following strict rules that forbid using ensiled forages and fermented food, and we raise our cows in the best possible way so that we can internally produce our Parmigiano Reggiano by using only genuine milk.
We cultivate our fields following the tradition handed down from our company founders. In this way we are able to have full control of products that are used for the production of the forages that our animals will eat.
Only thanks to the attention dedicated to any single phase of our cows’ nutrition we can guarantee the best possible milk for our Parmigiano Reggiano production
Our animals are petted not only from the nutrition point of view: our barns are modern and equipped with all the possible comfort in order to allow the highest wellness of our cows and so guarantee the production of the best possible milk.
All the milk used for our Parmigiano Reggiano and Riserva Oro Villa Aiola production comes directly from our animals. This allows a complete control on the final product quality.
Our dairyman experience and skills make a difference in our Parmigiano Reggiano production. Low rennet and minimal milk skimming make the production more demanding but the resulting Parmigiano benefits from this in terms of quality.
The cheese wheels are then left to rest in dedicated wood tools that allow a slower thermal transmission and a more delicate fermentation.
After 12 months aging, our cheese wheels finally become Parmigiano Reggiano from any point of view. An expert directly appointed from the Consorzio del Parmigiano Reggiano will "beat" each cheese wheel and stamp the well-known brand only on the best ones. From now on the work comes back into our hands: our internal experts will beat periodically the cheese wheels in order to understand which ones need to keep on aging.